Joie and Transport Media Encourage London to Bring the Kids

Baby home and travel furniture brand Joie are about to gain access to the public of London, with the launch of a taxi livery campaign from Transport Media. From the 1st August, a fleet of branded vehicles will plant Joie within the city for a 12 month duration, establishing a presence for the products with […]

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Transport Media helps Daughters of Destiny give London a Divine Encounter

Christian organisation Daughters of Destiny International have appointed Transport Media to execute a local bus advertising campaign promoting their ‘Divine Encounter’ event that will take place from the 6th to 8th September. Bus rears will be used to display adverts on vehicles based at Camberwell depot from the 22nd July, building a presence for the […]

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Fly Your Brand Around 180 Holiday Destinations With Ryanair

Ryanair is widely known as a champion of low-cost air travel, with their iconic yellow and blue branding and a systematic rotation of deals. Based in Dublin, their ever-growing portfolio of destinations now spreads through Europe and into Africa, with additional annually reoccurring long haul flights to New York. Advertising on Ryanair is just as […]

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Transport Media and Creed Comms Assist the Recruitment Process for LSG

Transport Media are working with direct resourcing specialists Creed Comms to promote employment opportunities at the Crewe-based Lifestyle Services Group. From the 22nd July, a combination of bus headliners and rear adverts will instigate a brand presence in the region, maintaining awareness for a total of four weeks. An animated landscape is designed to encourage […]

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The Priory Witham Academy Excels With Transport Media

Transport Media are working with one of Lincoln’s leading education providers, The Priory Witham Academy, in a regional outdoor campaign working to infiltrate the local parental audience. From the 8th July, bus rears through the city will broadcast the Academy brand for an entire year, ensuring that the school experiences enduring levels of exposure. Saturating […]

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Unlimited Connectivity Comes to Manchester

Manchester’s upgraded and extended Metrolink network has already been on the receiving end of various perks – from the novelty of Manchester City players providing announcements at the football club’s dedicated stop, to the proposed South Manchester line arriving three months early. In the latest citywide innovation, the Metrolink will be joined by the free […]

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