Media Wall

Allow your brand to dominate entire station platforms, with Media Wall adverts from Transport Media, the Tube advertising specialists. Media Walls provide extensive marketing impact by saturating the cross-platform wall with poster adverts, allowing your brand to dominate the eye line of every passenger.

These impressive creations generate high impact communication of your advert, amplifying the passenger’s ability to recall your brand. With an average 3 minute waiting time on platforms, Media Walls also provide ample dwell time for your advert to leave its impact and be fully digested.

By covering the entire platform wall, your brand will elevate its stature and differentiate you from competitors, also generating a response for passing travellers within the tube carriage. By targeting stations with a relevant audience or location to your product or service, the Media Wall could increase purchase consideration by planting your campaign in the minds of tube users.

For example, drinks brands advertising in London’s nightlife hubs could encourage socialites to purchase their brand, or product launches could target shoppers as they prepare to enter retail environments such as Oxford Circus or Covent Garden.

Transport Media offers Tube Advertising across all stations on the London Underground. Click here for more information.
