The affluent town of Wilmslow lies in the picturesque county of Cheshire, and is nestled between the equally as luxurious areas of Alderley Edge and Knutsford.
The region is renowned for its celebrity residents, boutique shops and high class dining, making it one of the most desirable residential areas in the country.
Less than 20 minutes from Manchester city centre by train, Wilmslow train station is a great advertising opportunity for brands looking to reach key professionals as they commute to work. Wilmslow is also minutes away from Manchester Airport, giving your brand extended reach across this audience of tourists and businesses travellers.
Wilmslow station is managed by Northern Rail and offers 4 sheets, 6 sheets and 48 sheet billboards in addition to rail passenger panels. Trains run from the station to Manchester, Manchester Airport, Crewe, London and also the Welsh town of Llanelli.
Wilmslow is close to the vast country space of Tatton Park, which frequently hosts outdoor events such as flower shows and classic car exhibitions. The historic estate also contains a farm and a neo-classical mansion, complete with a play area to guarantee a successful family day out.
Available advertising formats include, rail passenger panels, 4 sheets, 6 sheets and 48 sheets with Transport Media, rail advertising specialists.