Plan your life with the Live London Bus Map

You may remember Birmingham-based web developer Matthew Somerville for building a real-time trackable map of the entire London Underground network in 2010. If not, it’s ok, because he’s now done a ‘Live London Bus Map‘ that allows you to follow every single service currently running across the city. Aside from proving the common myth that […]

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Ryanair Promise they won’t p*** you off Anymore

Low-cost airline Ryanair is looking to step up its game against rival Easyjet, unveiling pending plans to give its digital presence an overhaul. Easyjet currently manages a Twitter account from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, and its website is also optimised to run seamlessly across mobile, while Ryanair is lagging behind as it […]

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Forgot to Book a Table? Do it in the Taxi.

In the knowledge that 75% of Londoners would be more likely to hop into a taxi if it supported free Wi-Fi connectivity, Transport for London have agreed on a universal sticker which will be slapped onto cabs that offer Wi-Fi access.  The frustration experienced when the internet is not readily available will soon be minimised, […]

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Fly Your Brand Around 180 Holiday Destinations With Ryanair

Ryanair is widely known as a champion of low-cost air travel, with their iconic yellow and blue branding and a systematic rotation of deals. Based in Dublin, their ever-growing portfolio of destinations now spreads through Europe and into Africa, with additional annually reoccurring long haul flights to New York. Advertising on Ryanair is just as […]

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‘Fly Manchester’ Can Take You To Spain For As Little As £33

If you’re a resident of the North West, which airport would you head for? Manchester? Liverpool? Leeds? Blackpool? Despite seeing a decrease in passenger numbers since its peak in 2006, Manchester International Airport remains the major flight nucleus of the north, with 2012 figures revealing an impressive 19.73million users. Escalating from its 689,468 customers in […]

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‘He who does not pray to the Lord prays to the devil’

Up until 1978, the Pope would have made public appearances on a gestatorial chair – the posh version of a sedan chair – carried by his pontifical crew. Reigning between 1963 and 1978, Pope Paul VI experienced the taste of a new trend by riding the papal Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman-Landaulet vehicle, while his successor John […]

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