Which form of Underground advertising is right for you?

Advertising on the London Underground is one of the best ways to raise awareness of your brand in the Capital, regardless of what sort of audience you’re looking to target. From tourists on Oxford Street to business people in Canary Wharf, as many as 150,000 commuters enter the network every hour, meaning that your advertisements are guaranteed to […]

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Which advertising format is right for you?

You’ve seen a great ad on the side of a bus and it’s made you sit up and take notice. It’s done the trick and got you interacting with the brand. It gets you thinking that maybe that’s the next step for your advertising…  Advertising on buses is indeed a fantastic opportunity to  launch a marketing […]

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A 24-hour Night Tube helps London Keep up with New York City

If you’re due to become a student in London during 2015, things are looking up for your social life. Transport for London have announced plans to keep the London Underground network running 24 hours at weekends as part of their “vision for the future of the Tube”, responding to the fact that London’s population is […]

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Look For Longer is Back!

Cries of joy can no doubt be heard acrossLondon at the moment, as commuters are relieved of boredom throughout the city by the return of CBS Outdoor UK’s prolific Look For Longer campaign.  Last year’s Look For Longer debut saw the initative reach almost 300,000 unique users across 170 countries, and so Look For Longer […]

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Route Gives Substance to Rail Media

After outdoor advertising research body Postar re-launched as Route earlier this year, the first figures for rail advertising sites have been compiled, joining existing marketing studies on roadside, bus and the London Underground. Presenting an analysis of railway advertising has been made possible through a combination of GPS, passenger and observational data, working to produce […]

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The London Underground rides into the Future

Multinational engineering company Siemens have teamed up with the London Transport Museum and outdoor media specialists CBS Outdoor UK to offer the city a glimpse into the future. A free, 3-month exhibition entitled “Going Underground: Our Journey to the Future” has been implemented in The Crystal at London Victoria Docks, scheduled to open on the […]

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