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Monkeydosh promotes its ‘Cash in a Flash’ emergency loan service to Manchester’s Business Commuters

Transport Media - Monkeydosh - Tram PanelsResponsible pay day loan company Monkeydosh are showcasing their message to commuters using Manchester’s Metrolink service. The tightly targeted campaign has been devised to encourage responsible lending over the Christmas Period, and to promote the service on offer from Monkeydosh to business commuters.

Monkeydosh recognised the importance of the financial campaign, as Christmas exaggerates financial strain for many consumers and can promote excessive and irresponsible lending.

Monkeydosh contacted Transport Media looking for an advertising and design service for their Christmas campaign. Transport Media offered a schedule of Outdoor Advertising tailored to the needs of the client and completed the design of the interior tram passenger panel showing the Manchester skyline in a Christmas theme. The campaign design incorporates their business location in Manchester showing the iconic Manchester Eye and Hilton Hotel in the snowy skyline.

Transport Media recommended the use of tram panels to be used on the Greater Manchester Metrolink network which covers 23 miles of the city. Passengers make nearly 20 million Transport Media - Monkeydosh - Tram Panelsjourneys on Metrolink every year – that is around 55,000 a day. Tram advertising provides access to huge numbers of C1 business commuters in a captive environment. The C1 audience, the lower middle class in supervisory or clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional job roles is the exact target audience for the campaign.

The tightly targeted campaign is running for four weeks on the Manchester Metrolink from the week commencing 5th December 2011.

Michelle Morrison, Director of Monkeydosh said

“Our Campaign objectives are to increase our customer base within the Greater Manchester area. We are a responsible lender and our policy is to only lend money to customers that are in employment, as we wish to attract customers that can afford to pay the loan back and not put themselves in a difficult situation of paying debt that they cannot afford to pay back. We are very excited about our Metrolink advertising activity as it is aimed at working commuters in Manchester. We wanted a seasonal theme that highlighted Manchester at Christmas, and we are very happy with the design service received from Transport Media. We are proud of our business base in the North West and I am looking forward to seeing the advertising go live.”

Transport Media is a division of Out Of Home International, the UK’s leading direct Outdoor Advertising media planning service. Out of Home International work with direct clients, and provide them with outstanding Out of Home Advertising campaigns. See for more details about Out of Home International.

Visit for more information on their fast pay day loans.
