Free Wi-Fi on Public Transport Keeps Commuters Connected

The arrival of Wi-Fi on public transport has transformed the possibilities available to advertisers. The London Overground and Underground networks are already Wi-Fi enabled and accessible at the majority of stations. This week, Glasgow was the first Scottish city to offer free public Wi-Fi after an agreement was reached with the council and BT to […]

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The London Underground rides into the Future

Multinational engineering company Siemens have teamed up with the London Transport Museum and outdoor media specialists CBS Outdoor UK to offer the city a glimpse into the future. A free, 3-month exhibition entitled “Going Underground: Our Journey to the Future” has been implemented in The Crystal at London Victoria Docks, scheduled to open on the […]

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Forgot to Book a Table? Do it in the Taxi.

In the knowledge that 75% of Londoners would be more likely to hop into a taxi if it supported free Wi-Fi connectivity, Transport for London have agreed on a universal sticker which will be slapped onto cabs that offer Wi-Fi access.  The frustration experienced when the internet is not readily available will soon be minimised, […]

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